Ontario Wolf Hunting
September 15th – March 31st
The Timber Wolf and Grey Wolf are strong, powerful, intelligent animal’s, making for one of the most challenging hunts in Northwestern Ontario. One real world Wolf sighting in person, will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

This elusive creature rarely stands still and when it does, its ears are erect, its eyes alert and its nose is working to sniff all scents. The slightest of movement can trigger the animal to flee in an instant, challenging ?? you bet! Opportunities may arise at close range but long-range distance shots is the norm. Wolves tend to cover their territory either alone or in small packs. Sitting in a blind or stand is a waiting game that is usually won by a patient hunter. Wolves are creatures of habit and will return to an area where they have found a previous food source.
There’s no better time for a wolf hunt then now! Currently Wabigoon Lake Outfitters is the exclusive Outfitter within the area offering this Hunting package. Baited sites are set up on frozen lakes, Beaver ponds, Big timber, or on Old logging roads and cutovers. Bait sited are always within the area of recent wolf activity.
Included In Package
- 7 Day fully equipped cabin, with house keeping
- Pre-baited hunting sites
- Ground blind (please bring a chair and a heater, heaters can be rented on-site for an additional fee)
- First day field orientation (guided and unguided packages available)