Wabigoon Lake Outfitters's Boats

New Boats Coming This Spring
- New 16.7' 2022 Lund Rebel XL Boat with a New 50HP Mercury Tiller Motor
- Fully equipped with live well, on board charging, comfy pedestal seats, flat floors, flat cashing deck, composite flooring, auto bilge, and, storage and rod storage
- New 55LB Terrova Minn Kota Trolling Motor with I Pilot and Spot Lock Features
- New Helix 7 GPS Depth and fish finder with Navionics
- Private boat launch and docking area are available onsite
- Soft-V hull for a smooth ride.
- Landing net, bait pail, paddles and life jackets - all provided with boat packages.
- Seating is adjustable so you can set up for trolling or casting or whatever you like.
Bow mounted Minn kota trolling motors with Humming bird helix fish finders equipped with GPS Navigation
- Private boat launch and docking area are available onsite.
Superb "worry-free" docking facilities in our sheltered bay complete with electrical outlets on our 30 acre peninsula. All docking is included in our package prices and is not an additional charge. No hidden charges!